Conduct the Assessment Process SCQF level 8 (H290 35)
This Unit is for assessor-candidates who are assessing learners in a classroom or other off-job training environments such as training centres and workshops. (You are
an ‘assessor-candidate’ if you are working towards achievement of this Unit.)
It is not for those who are assessing SVQs or other qualifications that are assessed in the workplace (who should undertake the Units L&D9D or L&D9DI).
You will gain this Unit by providing evidence of your competence as a practising assessor. This evidence could be generated in a variety of non-workplace
assessment contexts, for example assessing candidates for a First Aid Certificate in a simulated environment, assessing PC Passport in an open access centre, or assessing Units in a classroom environment.
It is important that the assessment you carry out has a real purpose for the learner (eg to gain recognition and/or a qualification) and is not contrived simply for the
purpose of gathering your own evidence, as an assessor- candidate, to meet the requirements of the Unit.
What do I need to do?
You will need to carry out each of the following tasks:
Task 1: Agree assessment arrangements with candidates
This will include:
Agreeing assessment arrangements with candidates
Explaining how to formulate assessment arrangements covering situations that occur infrequently
Task 2: Conduct assessment with candidates
This will include:
Conducting assessment with candidates
Explaining the benefits and drawbacks of a range of assessment methods
Explaining how issues might be dealt with if they arose during the assessment process, eg disagreements and disputes, special assessment requirements
Task 3: Review evidence and communicate assessment decisions to candidates
This will include:
Conducting evidence reviews and providing feedback to candidates
Providing feedback to candidates that is constructive and supportive
Explaining how feedback might be delivered when there are shortfalls in evidence
Task 4: Contribute and conform to internal quality assurance requirements
This will include:
Gaining testimonial evidence of having met internal quality assurance requirements
Providing evidence of working with others to help standardise assessment practice